High Speed - MS1

High Speed Signs

MS1 High Speed Signs

Replace existing signs in just 15 minutes

Developed for both new projects and replacement work on high-speed roads

Messagemaker Displays MS1 Unit
Messagemaker Department for Transport Approved Icon
Children's Trust
SAM-Smile-cut-out messagemaker displays

For every VAS purchased, we are donating £10 to The Children's Trust

SAM-Smile-cut-out messagemaker displays
SAM-Smile-cut-out messagemaker displays

Helping children with brain injury

High Speed

High Speed Signs

MS1, AMI and LCS
High Speed Signs

AMI From Messagemaker Displays
Mini Unit

Mini Unit

Convenient and efficient temporary LED traffic sign solution

Portfolio Spotlight

Your Personal LED
Signage Experts

One of a kind traffic management

Improving road safety using innovative solutions, created through collaborative partnerships.

Your Personal LED
Signage Experts

VAS 3D Video

Vehicle Activated
Speed Signs

One of a kind traffic management

High visibility, easy-to-use traffic calming and speed reduction solution

Vehicle Activated
Speed (VAS) Signs

VMS Trailer
Mobile VMS Trailer Range from Messagemaker Displays Ltd

3 sizes of energy efficient temporary traffic management tools

Mobile VMS

Full Colour
Mobile VMS

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Messagemaker Displays LED signage
Over 25 years experience
Messagemaker Displays Low power signage solutions
Messagemaker Displays stocked signs
Wide range of
signs in stock
Messagemaker Displays experts
Experts in LED
traffic solutions



Messagemaker Displays is one of the UK’s leading suppliers of  LED signage solutions, specialising in energy-efficient traffic management signage.

The diverse range of road safety signs includes both fixed and mobile VMS along with a host of vehicle-activated speed signs.

A partnership with Messagemaker Displays is based around collaboration, flexibility, and innovation to ensure the best possible outcome is achieved.  

Welcome to our Demo Room

Here we showcase some of our most popular products, allowing clients to get up close and personal with our range of innovative LED traffic signage – including Vehicle Activated Speed (VAS) signs, Variable Message Signs (VMS), High Speed signage and more.

Book a visit with the team below, we look forward to meeting you!