


New Buyer’s Guide to specifying large screens now available

8th August 2013

The take-up of full colour LED screens has increased exponentially over the past few years, driven by lower manufacturing costs and technology advances which have significantly reduced unit purchase costs. Presented with a diverse range of options and often quite significant variations in price for models with outwardly similar specifications, buyers can feel overwhelmed.

Messagemaker has recently published a guide to help specifiers make the right choice for them. Based on Messagemaker’s extensive experience as manufacturers and design engineers, the guide focuses on the key factors that buyers and specifiers should be aware of in evaluating solutions based on screen size and resolution.  Designed to simplify the speciification process and reduce risk, the guide answers the most commonly posed questions that buyers ask (or should be thinking about!).

Comments Harry Filer, MD of Messagemaker:

 “Customer advice and support is a key part of what we offer. Given the degree of confusion among purchasers and the wide array of options now available, we felt the time was right to issue this new guide.  As well as explaining the technology, we hope specifiers will find the checklist of points useful and have tried to answer the questions we are frequently asked, from the standpoint of our experience and market knowledge.”

To download a copy of the new guide click here